Welcome to the Fidelio Translations Blog.

In this section we will publish on monthly basis articles on subjects concerning practical translating, studies of foreign languages, as well as our commentaries on cultural peculiarities of different nations. The Blog is released in four languages except for some articles that are destined for a very narrow readership and therefore not liable to translation.

The purpose of our project is to exchange experience with our colleagues while enlightening the public about the specific and unique nature of the profession of translator.

The Blog section “Speak Russian” is dedicated to all those who in one way or another seek to grasp this very special language that proves to be as difficult to learn as it is to teach.

We hope that our posts will help you to answer the questions that arise while getting in touch with the sphere of translation, or simply be a pleasant reading.

Oct 1 2016

Translator's Anamnesis

TRANSLATOR'S ANAMNESIS or Why so many questions?   When you visit a doctor for the first time, he asks you the usual questions about the vaccinations and the illnesses you had an so on. The doctor needs this information for your medical history: the better he knows you, the better he can help you. This procedure is called anamnesis. The medical profession and the one of a translator have much...
Sep 29 2016

Translator's Rights and Duties

TRANSLATOR'S RIGHTS AND DUTIES A Compendium   Each occupation has its own rules of professional behavior. They are based on common sense, generally acknowledged moral principles and their derivatives – laws. And though there is no analogy of the Hippocratic Oath for translators, every self-respecting one has an idea about a certain moral code that their clients expect to be respected. This...
Sep 29 2016

Terms Used in Translation

TERMS USED IN TRANSLATION   There exists a number of terms that translators cannot help using when they contact their clients.   Original – a speech or a written text which is an object of translation to another language (= source text).     Translation – 1) something that is or has been translated,...
Sep 29 2016


View / Download the glossary "Dentistry" >>   СТОМАТОЛОГИЯ – DENTISTRY – ODONTOLOGIE – ODONTOIATRIA   Русский   English   Français   Italiano одонтология   dentistry, odontology, stomatology   odontologie f   odontologia одонтоятрия...
Sep 20 2016

Web Navigation

View / Download the glossary "Web Navigation" >>   Web Navigation   Русский   English   Français   Italiano IP-адрес   IP-address   adresse f IP   indirizzo IP админ(истратор сайта)   website administrator   gérant m du site...
Aug 30 2016

Useful links

  SWORN TRANSLATIONS Tribunal of Imperia Tribunal of Genova: Sworn Translations Office (Ufficio Asseverazioni Perizie e Traduzioni) Tribunal of Torino: Sworn Translations (Asseverazioni di traduzioni) TRANSLATION DICTIONARIES Cambridge Dictionary Corriere della Sera Linguee Multitran Reverso ENGLISH DICTIONARIES: Corriere della Sera Garzanti Linguistica La Repubblica...
Aug 28 2016

The Pit of Lost Voices

The sign reads: "Do not yell in the well. Thank you".
Aug 27 2016

When angels start falling from heaven...

It happened when I worked in a hotel as a receptionist. A mid-aged couple arrived in that day. As soon as they settled, the husband and his wife went out to see the sites. In the afternoon they came back and went straight upstairs, but the husband came back down almost immediately.“My angel is falling apart,” he confided in me.Thinking about their morning trip in the city and just how exhausted...
Aug 27 2016


Why a criminal fire-setting is called arson? – Because a person doing it should be a complete arse.